There are many areas within FREEMASONRY that
are open to ALL people,
You may find enjoyment of the Fraternity can extend to Yourself, Wife, Mother,
Daughter, Son, Brother, Neighbor, just about anyone you can think of
has a place within Freemasonry.
We Welcome you to the Ancient Accepted
Scottish Rite, Valley of Toledo
Here we hope you will find items of
interest that will expand your
Enjoyment of the Fraternity and if you have further questions,
please feel free to ask
You may also want to contact
The Supreme Council, 33°, for the
Northern Masonic Jurisdiction
GARY L. McELFRESH, 33rd, Secretary
4645 Heatherdowns Blvd,
Toledo, Ohio 43614
419- 381- 8726 or fax 419- 381- 9524
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This balanced, eye-opening guide
demystifies Freemasonry, explaining everything from its elaborate
rituals and cryptic rites to the veiled symbols and their meanings.
The book profiles famous Freemasons throughout
history including many of America's Founding Fathers as well as
prominent politicians and business leaders offers a balanced assessment
of the many controversies and conspiracy theories that continue to swirl
around Freemasonry.
Christopher Hodapp (Indianapolis, IN) is a Mason who is currently
a Past Master and a Master of his lodge.
Hodapp edits the lodge newsletter and has
written for the Grand Lodge magazine, the Indiana Freemason.
Have you seen the Da Vinci Code
movie yet??
Want a great book that contains
real information??
click on image
The "Masonic
Websites Certified by Pietre-Stones" SiteRing
This site owned by
Valley of Toledo, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite |
Ring of Masonic
Websites Certified Educational by Pietre-Stones
Review of Freemasonry |

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