camera`.gif (2457 bytes)  Welcome to the Valley of Toledo Photo-Book "Summer Picnic 1999"

This years Summer Picnic was a great event....

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There were over 400 in attendance ( I think ) srpic17.jpg (36176 bytes) srpic18.jpg (51833 bytes)
You may click on these photo's to see it larger size srpic19.jpg (33193 bytes) srpic4.jpg (43715 bytes)
The Popcorn was cooked in a "Huge" cast iron kettle srpic2.jpg (51646 bytes) srpic20.jpg (52671 bytes)
The Kid's really enjoyed the Pony Rides... srpic5.jpg (61324 bytes) srpic5a.jpg (49686 bytes)
And as always there are those you just cant explain... srpic7.jpg (48373 bytes)

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All Photos Copyrighted 1999 Pete Baker