Where to find Masonic Help
Let us start with a quote...
'To relieve the distressed is a duty incumbent on all men, but particularly on
Freemasons, who are linked together by an indissoluble chain of sincere affection. To
soothe the unhappy, to sympathize with their misfortunes, to compassionate their miseries,
and to restore peace to their troubled minds, is the great aim we have in view. On this
basis we form our friendships and establish our connections.
Illustrations Masonry, p. 72 William Preston, 1772.
Grasping the subtle nuances of the interlocking
relationships of Masonic organizations is a simple task compared to cataloging their
expenditures. As Professor Lipson observed, "Masonic charity was secret unlike civic
charity whose administration made the entire town privy to the needs of each
recipient." Thus a researcher can only capture the data from formally organized and
public Masonic activities, but even this doesn't tell the whole story.
For example, the Masonic Service Association
quietly oversees a Hospital Visitation Program with a goal that every V.A. Hospital in the
United States have a Masonic volunteer working with patients. How can a value be placed on
the more than 500,000 hours a year spent on this work? It just can't be done!
The best that can be achieved is to catalog that
fraction of Masonic philanthropy that happens to be administered on a formal basis and to
rest content in the knowledge that Masons today, as always, are seeking to provide relief
for suffering humanity.
In 1990 American Masonic Philanthropy was $525
million or $1.4 million per day. It has been estimated that for 1994 formal American
Masonic Philanthropy was over $625 million.
In finishing the list below, We find ourselves
overwhelmed with the size of the list, so we will summarize it first. If you need help or
knowledge in any of the following areas, then consult the list below for the location of
the place to help you.
Childhood language disorders
Treatment for birth defects
Scholarship and direct
grants to children and grandchildren of Scottish Rite Masons as well as to members of
DeMolay, Job's Daughters, Rainbow for Girls, and other Masonic youth groups.
Research on diabetes
A summer camp for
underprivileged children
Arteriosclerosis research
Christmas Day dinner the Des
Moines community
Cancer research
Training awards for religious
leadership and those making religious work their career
A museum and monument to our first President and a Mason
Grants to students in
Schools of Government and Business Administration and International Affairs
Dental care for handicapped
Scholarship assistance to nursing
Geriatric research
Child development for good citizenship and sound
character for Boys and Girls
Out-patient services for cancer
Low cost education loans
Eye surgery and prescription glasses
Treatment for cancer patients
and cancer research support
Masonic Hospital Visitation
Program for V.A. Hospital volunteers
Research in heart disease,
cancer, aging, hypertension, and blood substitutes
Meeting and performance facilities at the
International Peace Garden
A clearing house on Masonic information
Education of youth about Drugs
and Alcohol
Ohio Special Olympics
A non-denominational chapel for mediation and
religious services at the International Peace Garden
Research into the causes and
treatment of schizophrenia and related disorders
Research into auditory perception disorders in Children
A Georgia children's medical
A Museum and library focusing
on our American heritage as well as Freemasonry's role in the history of our country
The first public library in the
District of Columbia
Scholarship and fellowships for Ph.D. candidates in
Public School Administration
Support for students seeking
degrees in fields associated with service to country and humanity
Orthopedic services to children through a network
of 22 hospitals and treatment for burns victims at three burns centers
Support for the Muscular
Dystrophy Association
A provider of new shoes for
need Tennessee and Alabama children
A orthopedic, neuralgic, and child development
hospital in Texas
Operates a Texas for dyslexic
and aphasia disorders in children
Provides needy homeless
children in the school district with clothing and toiletries
The following is a listing of those American
Masonic Charities included in the above:
Abbott Scottish Rite Scholarship
Program Provides direct grants to children and grandchildren of Scottish Rite masons as
well as members of DeMolay, Job's Daughters, Rainbow Girls, and other Masonic youth
groups. Supreme Council, 33rd Degree, N.M.J.P.O. Box 51933 Marrett Road Lexington,
Massachusetts 02173(617) 862-4410
Amaranth Diabetes Foundation
Supports research on diabetes The Supreme Council, Order of the Amaranth Mrs. Ethel B.
Fry, Supreme Secretary 2303 Murdoch Avenue Parkersburg, West Virginia 26101(304) 485-0423
or (304) 428-1565
Camp Chicota A summer camp for
underprivileged children Grand Lodge of Louisiana, Prince Hall Affiliation 1335-37 North
Boulevard Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70821(504) 387-0996
Cryptic Masons Medical Research
Foundation Supports arteriosclerosis research Cryptic Masons Medical Research Foundation
Marion K. Crum, Executive Secretary Route 4, Box 301 Nashville, Indiana 47448 (812)
Des Moines Masonic Christmas Day
Dinner Provides Christmas Day Dinner for the community Masonic Christmas Day Dinner
Masonic Temple 1011 Locus Street Des Moines, Iowa 50309 (515) 244-6011
Eastern Star Cancer Research Project
Supports cancer research General Grand Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star 1618 New
Hampshire Avenue, N.W.Washington, D.C. 20009-2578 (202) 667-4737
Eastern Star Training Awards for
Religious Leadership Supports those who are making religious work their career General
Grand Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star 1618 New Hampshire Avenue, N.W.Washington, D.C.
20009-2578 (202) 667-4737
General Grand Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star
Supports the Peace Chapel at the International Peace Garden which provides a
non-denominational chapel for meditation and religious services General Grand Chapter,
Order of the Eastern Star 1618 New Hampshire Avenue, N.W.Washington, D.C. 20009-2578 (202)
George Washington Masonic National
Memorial A museum and monument to our first President (and a Mason) George Washington
Masonic National Memorial 101 Calahan Drive Alexandria, Virginia 22301 (703) 683-2007
George Washington University
Grants Provides grants to students in the Schools of Government and Business
Administration and International Affairs and matching grants for graduate students Supreme
Council, 33rd Degree, Southern Jurisdiction 1733 Sixteenth Street, N.W.Washington, D.C.
20009-31991-800-SR MASON
Grotto Dentistry for the Handicapped
Program Provides dental care to handicapped children Supreme Council, M.O.V.P.E.R.34 N.
Fourth Street Columbus, Ohio 43215 (614) 463-9193
Illinois Scottish Rite Nursing
Scholarships Provides scholarship assistance to nursing students throughout Illinois.
Illinois Scottish Rite Fund Illinois Council of Deliberation 915 N. Dearborn Street
Chicago, Illinois 60610 (312) 787-7605
Indiana Masonic Home Foundation An endowment which
supports the Indiana Masonic Home, a retirement and convalescence center. Located on 360
acres and home for over 400 residence.P. O. Box 44210525 North Illinois Street
Indianapolis, Indiana 46224-0210 (800) 277-4643
Indianapolis Scottish Rite
Foundation Supports geriatric research at the University of Indiana Medical School
Indianapolis Scottish Rite Bodies 650 N. Meridian Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46204-1294
(317) 635-2301
International Order of Job's Daughters A
organization for girls between the ages of eleven and twenty who are relatives of Master
Masons Supreme Guardian Council, International Order of Job's Daughters 233 West 6th
Street Papillion, Nebraska 68046 (402) 592-7987
International Order of Rainbow for
Girls A organization for girls between the ages of eleven and eighteen who are daughters
of Masonic or Eastern Star families or friends of such girls International Order of
Rainbow for Girls P.O. Box 788 McAlester, Oklahoma 74502 (918) 423-1328
Kansas Masonic Oncology Center
Provides out-patient services for cancer treatment Kansas Masonic Foundation 320 West 8th
Street P.O. Box 1217 Topeka, Kansas 66601-1217 (913) 357-7646
Knights Templar Educational
Foundation Provides students with low-cost education loans 5097 Elston Ave, Suite 101
Chicago, Illinois 60630-2460 (312) 427-5670
Knights Templar Eye Foundation
Supports eye surgery and prescription glasses P.O. Box 579 Springfield, Illinois
62705-0579 (217) 523-3838
Minnesota Masonic Cancer Center
Provides treatment for cancer patients and supports research Masonic Cancer Center Fund,
Inc.1700 West Highway 36, Suite 610 Roseville, Minnesota 55113 (612)639-8433
Masonic Hospital Visitation Program
Provides Masonic volunteers to work with patients at Veterans Administration and military
hospitals Masonic Services Association of the United States 8120 Fenton Street Silver
Spring, Maryland 20910(301) 588-4010
Masonic Medical Research Laboratory,
Utica, New York Supports research in heart disease, cancer, aging, hypertension, and blood
substitutes 2150 Bleeker Street Utica, New York 13501-1787 (315) 735-2217
Masonic Memorial Auditorium,
International Peace Garden Provides meeting and performance facilities for visitors Grand
Lodge of North Dakota 201 14th Avenue North Fargo, North Dakota 58102 (701) 235-8321
Masonic Services Association of the
United States Serves as a clearing house for Masonic information
National Masonic Foundation for the
Prevention of Drug and Alcohol Abuse Among Children Supports education for youth about
drugs and alcohol 1629 K Street N.W., Suite 606 Washington, D.C. 20006 (202) 331-1933
Ohio Special Olympics The Masonic
Grand Lodge of Ohio sponsors several Ohio Special Olympian at these games Grand Lodge of
Ohio P.O. Box 629 Worthington, Ohio 43085-0629 (614) 885-5318
Order of DeMolay A fraternal
organization for boys between the ages of thirteen and twenty-one; its purpose is the
encouragement and development of good citizenship and sound character International
Supreme Council, Order of DeMolay 10200 N. Executive Hills boulevard P.O. Box 901342
Kansas City, Missouri 64190-1342 (816) 891-8333
Research In Schizophrenia Supports
research into the causes and treatment of schizophrenia and related disorders Supreme
Council, 33rd Degree, N.M.J.P.O. Box 51933 Marrett Road Lexington, Massachusetts
02173(617) 862-4410
Royal Arch Research Assistance
Program Supports research into auditory perception disorders in children General Grand
Chapter, Royal Arch Masons International 111 South 4th Street Danville, Kentucky
40423-0489 (606) 236-0757
Scottish Rite Children's Medical
Center in Georgia Provides generalized and specialized services to children Scottish Rites
Children's Medical Center 1001 Johnson Ferry Road, N.E.Atlanta, Georgia 30363 (404)
Scottish Rite Museum of Our National
Heritage A museum and library focusing on our American heritage as well as Freemasonry's
role in the history of our country Supreme Council, 33rd Degree, N.M.J.P.O. Box 51933
Marrett Road Lexington, Massachusetts 02173 (617) 862-4410
Scottish Rite Supreme Council
Library The first public library in the District of Columbia which today serves the
general public as well as international Masonic scholars Supreme Council, 33rd Degree,
Southern Jurisdiction 1733 Sixteenth Street, N.W.Washington, D.C. 20009-31991-800-SR MASON
Shepherd Scholarship Supports
students seeking degrees in fields associated with service to country and humanity
Shriners Hospitals for Crippled
Children and Shriners Burn institutes Provides orthopedic services to children through a
network of 22 hospitals and treatment for burns victims at three burns centers Shriner
Headquarters 2900 Rocky Point Drive Tampa, Florida 33607 - USA - (800) 282-9161 in Canada
- (800) 361-7256 All other areas call collect - (813) 281-0300
Tall Cedar Foundation Supports the
Muscular Dystrophy Association Supreme Forest, Tall Cedars of Lebanon 2609 N. Front Street
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17110 (717) 232-5991
Tennessee and Alabama Scottish Rite
Shoe Program Provides new shoes for need Tennessee and Alabama children Chattanooga
Scottish Rite Bodies 510 Uptain Building Chattanooga, Tennessee 37411-4031(615) 855-0175
Birmingham Scottish Rite Bodies 400 Valley Avenue
Birmingham, Alabama 35209-3899 (205) 942-2687
Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for
Children Provides orthopedic, neuralgic, and child development services to children in
Texas, Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children 2222 Welborn Street Dallas, Texas
75219-9982 (214) 521-3168
Masons Assisting Children (MAC)
Provides needy homeless children in the school district with clothing and toiletries
Masons Assisting Children 2200 West Mesquite Las Vegas, Nevada 89106
Scottish Rite Foundation Operates a
clinic for dyslexic and aphasia disorders in children Scottish Rite Foundation 2200 West
Mesquite Las Vegas, Nevada 89106
Much of the above information from a book called 'Masonic Philanthropies, A
Tradition of Caring', by S. Brent Morris.